Transparant Premium paper with blue backing (15-18µ)
Laser waterslide decals are high-quality sheets with a very good adhesion and dissloves easily from the carrier. Incal decal paper is a bit thinner, but is therefore
more difficult to solve and process. Decals are generally intended as a decoration but not for decorating consumables. If you really want to do this, we recommend working with a clear varnish or epoxy (Envirotex) for the maintenance of the decal. The decal paper excist of an adhesive layer and a water soluble layer. The final decal consists only of ink with an adhesive layer below it. By soaking in water your decal will release.
PLEASE NOTE!! Samsung laserprinter from the SL-C4xxW series, don't seem to be able to use this paper!!
If you own a printer from this series, i want to advise not to buy this decal paper as the printer can not handle it.
Quick method (detailed process you will receive with your order):
- Print the desired image onto the decal paper
- (optional) Paint the decal with clear varnish
- Cut out the picture
- Place the decal in warm water
- Remove the decal from the carrier or shove it directly on the surface of your object (depending on size)
- Wipe with a cloth and let it dry.
Tips and important information:
- Wooden surfaces must be finishes first.
- laser water slide decal paper can be baked in the oven after application (provided the substrate permits because of temperature). .
- If possible you can lower the heat of your printer in the settings.
- The adhesion can be increased by heating the surface with a hair dryer or in the oven (180-200 degrees - 10 minutes). Obviously, the surface must be suitable for heating.
- The "clear" version will not cover the surface of non-printed parts. For example, color or texture of the surface is preserved. Your ink is transparent what makes a color a little mix with the color on the surface. A yellow decal on a blue surface can be greener or darker.
- The "white" version covers the surface. Spaces in your print without color will be white.
- Some clearcoats are thin and flexible release and placing the decal can be difficult. Can be clearcoated with an 1 or 2k clearcoat. Some types, brands and old varnishes respond to your ink. A test print is recommended with other clearcoats.
The use of a clearcoat in combination with baking is highly inadvisable because of the smell.
Do you have this problem

This could be the solution:
It is about moisture content in the paper. You can eliminate a lot of problems by dehumidifying the room where you have the printer to 45-50% humidity and bringing the room to approximately 18-20°c. What you can try is to leave the sheets open and exposed on a table overnight so that it can acclimatize to your space and then start printing. This often solves a lot of problems.